Welcome to CUPE 2137

People of all walks of life and in many life situations depend upon and benefit from services offered by JVS Toronto to help them to find and keep jobs.

CUPE 2137 represents all the non-management staff of JVS Toronto working to ensure they can fulfill their roles in a positive and supportive work environment.

Union Welcome Package (Updated Aug. 2022)

Description of Roles in the Union:

President’s Role:

▪ Enforce the CUPE Constitution and bylaws;

▪ Preside at all membership and Executive Board meetings and preserve order;

▪ Decide all points of order and procedure (subject always to appeal to the membership);

▪ Have a vote on all matters (except appeals against their rulings) and in case of a tie vote in any

matter, including elections, have the right to cast an additional vote to break the tie;

▪ Ensure that all officers perform their assigned duties;

▪ Fill committee vacancies where elections are not provided for;

▪ Introduce new members and conduct them through the initiation ceremony;

▪ Sign all cheques and ensure that the Local’s funds are used only as authorized or directed by the

constitution, bylaws, or vote of the membership;

▪ Be allowed necessary funds to reimburse themselves or any officers for expenses supported by

vouchers, incurred on behalf of the Local;

▪ Have first preference as a delegate to the CUPE National Convention:


Vice President’s Role:


If the President is absent or incapacitated, perform all duties of the President;

▪ if the office of President falls vacant, be Acting President until a new President is elected;

▪ render assistance to any member of the Board as directed by the Board.


Recording Secretary Role:

Keep full, accurate and impartial account of the proceedings of all regular or special membership

and Board meetings ensuring that these records include a copy of the full financial report presented

by the Secretary-Treasurer;

▪ Record all alterations in the by-laws;

▪ answer correspondence and fulfill other secretarial duties ass directed by the Board;

▪ file a copy of all letters sent out and keep on file all communications;

▪ prepare and distribute all circulars and notices to members;

Steward Role:

Member Engagement – Introduce themselves to new and existing Members as a Steward.

Update Union Boards – Post and maintain information on the workplace union board and

Ensuring only current CUPE Local 2137 approved information is posted.

Promote Solidarity – Encourage Member union engagement and education. Stewards are

Ambassadors not only for CUPE Local 2137, but the labour movement as well.

Provide information to Members as communicated by the local.

Resolve workplace issues – Try to do this before a grievance has to be filed by having a

Conversation with the Supervisor/Manager.

Documentation – Notes and supporting documentation forward to the Local Executive

Without delay.

File Grievances where there is a violation of the Collective Agreement while being mindful

of timelines.